Kenilworth Resident Wins Mounted Archery Competition

(above) Marissa Scalzo during a mounted archery competition. Photo by Bill Reynolds, EB Reynolds Studio

Last year was both a winning year and the start of a new athletic career for Kenilworth resident Marissa Scalzo. She competed in The Mason-Dixon Challenge, a two-day mounted archery competition held in Pennsylvania and Virginia in September and December. Scalzo won all three courses in her division over the two days and was named her division’s overall High Point Mounted Archer.

“I went into my first mounted archery tournament with one goal: be competitive”, says Scalzo “I’m elated to have walked away the high point archer in my division, and I think it’s safe to say I’m hooked!”

Scalzo began her archery career while in high school and has ridden horses off-and-on since she was 10. Mounted archery seemed like a natural progression for her athletically. “When I found out about mounted archery as a competitive sport, I just had to try it. Fusing two of my favorite sports and passions into one- it was a perfect fit.” Scalzo began training for mounted archery at the end of 2017, and 2018 was her first year competing.

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