Learn about and view The Solar Eclipse at the Kenilworth Public Library on Monday, August 21 at 2:00pm – 2:45 p.m. Pearl Observatory representatives, Ken and Colin Reese will present a program in the library’s parking lot to educate children ages 5 and up, teens, and adults about the solar eclipse. Free solar eclipse glasses will be distributed at this event. In the event of inclement weather, there will be an indoor program to learn about the solar eclipse, and view the eclipse on the library’s flat screen TV.
Registration is required. Registration will begin on Monday, August 14. To register, please call the library at 908-276-2451 or visit 548 Boulevard.
Solar eclipse glasses will be distributed at The Kenilworth Public Library during the week of August 14 – 18 for families and individuals who are unable to attend the library’s event on August 21. The solar eclipse glasses will be distributed on a first come, first served basis, while supplies last.
Located at 548 Boulevard. Library website is www.kenilworthlibrary.org. Registration for programs may be done in person or by calling 908 276-2451. The Library is handicapped accessible. facebook.com/kenilworthworth.public.library