Kenilworth Mayor’s Message

Happy New Year Kenilworth! And so, as we begin a new year, we do so with confidence, learning from the past year and looking forward with optimism for the future and what lays ahead. 2019 will bring obstacles and opportunities. Each new challenge we face as a Boro and each accomplishment will make a better Kenilworth! May this year bring you all good health, happiness and good fortune, and let us all be grateful for the gifts we have. 2018 is in the book and I am looking forward to a positive fourth year as your Mayor.

Thank you to all our Municipal Employees who keep the wheels turning throughout the year, the hard work and professionalism maintains a standard that in my opinion is second to none. To the many people who have come out and volunteered in the various events throughout Kenilworth, things could not have happened without you all donating precious time and effort to make special moments, a special Thank You for making Kenilworth a great community to live and work in, your efforts make a difference and we are lucky to have so many people willing to make an efforts. Keep in mind the Boro’s success depends on all of you, one person doesn’t make the change, we all need each other and together we can accomplish anything!

In closing, let me say life is too short to go through it bitter and resentful, every day is a gift, make the most of what time you have. Faith, Family and Friends every bit of it matters, I hope and pray that all will realize the good things we have, even the little things and be grateful we are all still here to enjoy them. I believe in you Kenilworthians, the future that lays ahead are what you make of it.


God Bless you all

And God Bess America