Kenilworth Library August 2021
Tails and Tales
2021 Summer Reading Club
Monday, June 28 – Friday, August 13
Children ages 2 – 12 years old may continue to register for the summer reading club concluding on Friday, August 13. To register, call the library at 908-276-2451 or visit 548 Boulevard to pick up a reading club bag filled with a calendar of events and other items of interest to curious young minds. The Reading club is open to children and teens ages 2 – 18 years old.
Mommy, Daddy & Me: (Ages: 2 – 5 years)
Listen to 30 books checked out from the library and receive a free book.
I Can Read: (Ages: 6 – 8 years)
Read 15 Easy Reader Fiction or Nonfiction books checked out from the library and receive a free book.
Club Readsalot: (Ages 9 – 12 years)
Read 7 Junior Fiction or Nonfiction books checked out from the library and receive a free book.
Teens: (Ages 13 – 18 years)
Read 3 Young Adult Fiction or Nonfiction books checked out from the library and receive a free book.
**Teens can register for the reading club and request a Reading Book Log. To register visit the library at 548 Boulevard to pick up a reading log.
August Special Events
Boogie Woogie Babies
Visit The Kenilworth Public Library on Tuesday, August 3 at 10:30 – 11:00 a.m. Ages: 0 – 4. Babies, toddlers and young children will enjoy an interactive musical program presented by Tiffany Taylor. To register, call the library at 908-276-2451 or visit 548 Boulevard. Registration is required. Kenilworth residents may begin to register on Tuesday, July 27. Out of town residents may begin to register on July 30.
Musical Celebration with DJ Charlie O
Monday, August 9 at 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. for all ages. (Rain Date: August 13 at 11:00 a.m.) Participants will enjoy a fun-filled interactive musical celebration with raffles, prizes and giveaways. Registration is not required for this event.
August Weekly Programs
Lap Sit for ages 0 – 2 years
Tuesday, August 10 : (10:30 – 10:50 a.m.)
Toddler Time for ages 2 – 3 years
Wednesdays, August 4 & 11: (10:30 – 10:50 a.m.)
Story Time for ages 3 and up
Thursday, August 5 & 12: (10:30 – 11:00 a.m.)
Crafts will be held outdoors for ages 4 – 9 years
Fridays, August 6 & 13: (11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. and 12:00 p.m. – 1:00 p.m.)
Yarnies will take place every Thursday from 2:00-4:00 p.m. in the library’s Activity Room. All participants must wear a mask. This program is recommended for adults and teens. This is a free program.
“Paper Pals”
We have formed a new program for adult and teen crafters, a card making group that meets each Tuesday, from 2:00-4:00 p.m. in the library’s Activity Room. All participants must wear a mask. No crafting experience is necessary. Just be prepared to have fun!
The Kenilworth Public Library is located at 548 Boulevard. More information about the library can be found at kenilworthlibrary.org or by calling 908-276-2451.