Junior Girl Scout Troop 40444 showed up at the Cranford United Methodist Church on Jan 17 to get their hands dirty. The Troop raced their cars immediately after Boys Cub Pack 75. 98 of the 121 girls who registered raced their cars on the same track, and the girl scouts had cars that were as fast or faster than the cub scouts. Some of the winners, just to mention a few, were: Award Winners Haley Concannon for Most Bling and Maggie Byrne for Best Use of Glitter, Award Winner Sofia Bloom for Most Original Car, and Award Winner Virginia Sherrington for Best Engineered Car. The girls were really proud of the cars they created and look forward to their next race.

(above) The Derby was run by Girl Scout Troop 40444: (top,-r) Troop Leaders Erin Esteves and Stephanie Patterson. (middle, l-r) Eva Salvatore, Kyra Patterson, Isha Agni, Maeve Boger O’Bryan, Ava Campos. (front, l-r) Melissa Collins, Gwyneth Esteves, Anna Waller
To see more pictures of this event go to Cranford SC Pinewood Derby 2016