Kornberger, Perrotta & Capone Join The Legacy Of Eagle Scouts
Living a life by the Scout Law, The Scout Oath, the Scout Motto and Slogan is what guides an Eagle Scout through their life. A sense of responsibility to their God, community and country is what defines them. Recently three fine young Cranford scouts have completed their mission of the past twelve years and have been honored with the rank of Eagle Scout by Troop 80 of the Cranford’s First Presbyterian Church.
Eagle Scout honors are not bestowed on all that attempt this lofty goal. In fact less than four percent of all young men that enter scouting reach Eagle Scout. In order to complete the task a young man must advance in rank and hold a managing position in the troop. He must complete at least 21 merit badges for learned life skills, some of these to his choosing other mandatory to the rank of Eagle. He must complete a service project that demonstrates his ability to take on a project of grand proportions that will give him a chance to showcase the skills that he has acquired in the twelve years he has dedicated to scouting. This project must benefit his church or community and must be preapproved by Patriot’s Path Council to fulfill all the necessary components.
AJ Kornberger chose the creation of a picnic area and garden at Roosevelt Park on Orange Avenue the former sight Solomon Schlecter School. Since the razing of the school and purchase of the property by the town, it has remained undeveloped AJ, being a neighbor to the park, thought he could help develop the space into a family friendly area that could be used by the community. Constructing from scratch 2 two picnic benches and gardens with additional benches was his proposal to council. It was approved. With help from Westfield Lumber, Home Depot, Lowes Home Center, Williams Nursery and Dryer Farms, AJ led a group of friends and fellow scouts to complete the project. A total of 223 man hours later the family picnic area was completed. It will be enjoyed by Cranford residents for years to come.
AJ completed an impressive 38 merit badges and The Boy Scout World Conservation Award as well on his path to Eagle Scout. He was elected and served as the Senior Patrol Leader, the highest management position in the troop. He completed the rigorous trek at the legendary high adventure Philmont Scout Reservation in Cimarron, New Mexico where his crew climbed the majestic Mt. Philip. He is a member of the National Honor Society and Spanish Honor Society of Cranford High School. He is also a 3rd degree Black belt in Tae-Kwon-do. He plans to attend college next year and pursue a career in forensic science.
Evan Perrotta was approached by the host of our troop, The First Presbyterian Church, about the possibility of having the unfinished basement converted to a storage area with rows of free standing shelves. They also needed shelves installed in other closet areas in the facility. The plans were presented to council and approved. With the help of several friends and scouts Evan planned and guided his team to complete the task. Totaling over 200 man hours the job took two weekends and an $800.00 Investment which Evan was able to collect through fundraising efforts.
While a young scout, Evan attended Camp Rodney in Northeast Maryland for summer camp. Inspired by the many camp counselors at the camp, Evan set his sights on becoming one of those scouts. At the age of 14 he returned to Camp Rodney to train as a C.I.T. councelor in training. The following year he was hired to his dream job of camp counselor. He returned for 3 years, a prestigious position for a young man. Of all the hundreds of Troop 80 scouts attending Camp Rodney over the years. Evan was the only scout to be a camp counselor there. Evan is currently studying at Muhlenberg College in Pennsylvania.
Matt Capone, an avid athlete, saw a need for an exercise station at the Memorial Field and Ray White track facility. A series of bars for dips and pull ups Matt felt would be an added venue for developing upper body strength for athletes that prefer to do outdoor strength training. He researched the idea and presented it to council. It was approved. Originally planning to construct the equipment himself he started out his plan. Matt found that legal and insurance regulations needed him to purchase pre-fabricated exercise hardware. He also planned on using generic mulch around the perimeter. He found that special sanitized mulch would be needed. This created a cost restraint that almost caused his project to be reworked. With some creative managing Matt was able to arrange funding through the Cranford Jaycees. Matt and a crew of his friends were contracted by the generous Jaycees to manage the umpiring crew at their yearly charity softball tournament. For his services The Jaycees purchased the hardware for the project. The Cranford Track and Field organization also helped with the financing of the special mulch. In the end it all came together and the project was completed, a total of 151 man hours were tallied. It stands to the left of the football field when viewing the field from the home grandstands.
Matt was a member of Crew 702 that traveled to Philmont Scout Reservation in the summer of 2012. They hike over 73 miles and climbed two mountains to a height of 12,440 feet above sea level. He earned a total of 24 merit badges while on his path to Eagle. Matt’s new found love of community service is something he plans on continuing while in college next year where he plans on pursuing a career in engineering.
Since 1928 Troop 80 of the First Presbyterian Church has advanced 144 scouts to the rank of Eagle. Our community has benefited through these efforts, not only in receiving 144 projects that enhance our town, but the addition of 144 young men who have changed and will change our community through their responsible involvement with every aspect of their volunteerism and community involvement.
For more information about Troop 80 visit our website www.troop80-bsa.com or call Don Sweeney (908) 272-0876.