(above) The public is invited to the New Providence American Legion Post 433’s Flag Retirement Ceremony on Flag Day, Friday, June 14, 2019 at 7:00 p.m.
The Public is Invited to the Annual Flag Retirement Ceremony
New Providence American Legion Post 433 will conduct this year’s Flag Retirement Ceremony on Flag Day, Friday, June 14, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. The Public is invited to attend this important event which will be held at the Legion Hall, 357 Elkwood Avenue in New Providence, next to the Veterans Memorial Library. American flags which have become faded, frayed, soiled or otherwise unserviceable will be retired by destroying with full respect and honor. These rites include burning on an appropriate pyre. The Legion expects to retire approximately 3,000 unserviceable flags this year.
Anyone desiring to retire an unserviceable flag in this ceremony is asked to place it in the flag receptacle in front of the Legion Hall or drop it off at the American Legion Post by 5:00 p.m. on June 14.
“Every citizen should recognize the flag’s importance and understand how it should be displayed while in service and when it should be retired from service,” said American Legion Post 433 officer Gerald Gross.
Since 1946, American Legion Post 433 has served veterans of New Providence, Summit and Berkeley Heights. In addition to conducting the Flag Retirement Ceremony, Post 433 annually sponsors New Providence’s Memorial Day parade. Post 433 is active throughout the year by hosting patriotic services, sponsoring day trips to military and historic sites and providing a voice for area veterans.
For further information, contact New Providence American Legion at 908-464-9010.
Submitted by Linda Kale