Members of the Arthur L. Johnson High School Crusader Football Team recently participated in a visit to the First Children’s School, located in Fanwood, New Jersey.
The First Children’s School in Fanwood is a stepping off point for children who need highly specialized educational services for some period of time in their lives. First Children’s services extend into the home districts of students with special needs where they are invited to work with faculty and administration to assure that children with special needs get cutting-edge services in their home schools. The dedicated staffs, including teachers, aides, and therapists, are prepared to deliver their services in the schools and homes of the children they serve. First Children partners with districts and other providers like Children’s Specialized Hospital and Eden Autism Services to make sure that the children receive the very best services possible.
Members of the Crusader Football Team went into various classrooms and participated in a multitude of activities relating to the school’s curriculum.
Anthony DelConte, Head Football Coach, had this to say about the event. “The football program was thrilled to be able to assist with the daily routines and to participate in activities held at the First Children’s School. It was fun watching the High School Student Athletes as they interacted with the children, and I think both groups not only enjoyed the experience, but learned a lot while doing it.”
The Arthur L. Johnson High School Crusader Football Team would like to thank everyone associated with the First Children’s School for welcoming us and allowing us to be a part of a fabulous day.

The 2015 Arthur L. Johnson Crusader Football Team visits the First Children’s School on Thursday, August 13 2015.