Hurricane Preparedness Planning from FEMA

Information presented by FEMA

Though the national hurricane season normally runs from June 1 through November 30, the peak potential for hurricane and tropical storm activity in New Jersey runs from mid-August through the end of October.

Planning ahead can help you feel better prepared for the hurricane season. Get your family prepared in three key steps:

1 – Build a Kit

Consider you family specific needs to ensure you have at least 10 days of supplies.

• store a gallon of water per person per day. In case your supply runs out, pre-identify safe sources of water, use water filters or boil water.
• Gather a 10-day supply of non-perishable foods for each person. Pay particular attention to individuals with special diets and allergies, babies, toddlers, and the elderly. Nursing mothers may need liquid formula.
• Canned dietetic foods, juices, and soups may be helpful for ill or elderly people.
• Have hand sanitizer, antibiotic ointment, hygienic products, diapers and wipes for children and older adults.
• Get food, water and a collar with identification tags for yoru pet.
• Have at hand a favorite toy, books, and coloring books and crayons for the children,

  1. Make a Family Plan

Identify alternate ways to stay in touch with loved ones.

• Choose an out of town friend or relative as a point of contact.
• Decide on a meeting place in case you cannot return home.
• Keep important documents and phone numbers with you at all times.
• Include children in preparedness conversations and make sure they have emergency contacts memorized or saved in a secure place.
• Identify the closest shelter in case you are ordered to leave your home, and let your family know its location.

  1. Stay Informed
    Listen for up-to-date information before, during  and after a disaster.

• Local media will provide evacuation details and shelter locations.
• Make sure your battery powered radio is working and you have extra batteries.
• Download the FEMA App to receive severe weather alerts, safety tips, and much more.

If you or someone in your family is experiencing issues with disaster-related stress, call Linea PAS at 800-981-0023, TTY 888-672-7622

For more information on hurricane season preparedness and Puerto Rico’s recovery from Hurricane Maria, visit