Howard And Sue Meyer Active In NJ State First Aid Council

(above, r-l) Newly installed EMS Council of New Jersey President Joe Walsh of Neptune accepts congratulations from Howard Meyer of New Providence, who served as the organization’s president for the past three years. Meyer, who has been an active, riding member of the Berkeley Heights Volunteer Rescue Squad for more than 40 years, will continue in his role as director of legislative affairs for the EMSCNJ. The
installation took place Jan. 30 in Neptune.

(above) Charles Willer, a past president of the New Jersey State First Aid Council, helped install Sue Meyer of New Providence, left, as membership secretary and Barbara Platt of New Egypt as council secretary. The 87-year-old nonprofit New Jersey State First Aid Council, now “doing business as” the EMSCNJ, represents 20,000 EMS volunteers affiliated with nearly 300 rescue squads throughout the state.