Honoring the Leslie Bartell Foundation

Honoring the Leslie Bartell Foundation

Clark Public Schools

At the Arthur L. Johnson High School Senior Awards Ceremony held on June 6th, Richard Bartell, owner of Bartell Farm and Garden Supplies in Clark, was presented with a plaque thanking him and his family for supporting our ALJ students for the past 26 years. The Leslie Bartell Memorial Scholarship fund has provided over 1 million dollars in scholarships to ALJ seniors to advance their education. Also in attendance was former ALJ Teacher Jack Ford. One of the Leslie Bartell Memorial Scholarships is offered in his name. Additionally, two former recipients were in attendance, ALJ Principal Tara Oliviera who received the award in 2000, and Victoria Venezio, an ALJ alumni who received the award in 2021. 

(above, l-r) Mr. Andrew Amendola, Director of School Counseling & Assessment; Mrs. Tara Oliveira, Principal; Recipient of this year award Grace Wright; Mr. Richard Bartell; Recipient Elizabeth Brighouse; Recipient Damian Mnich; Former ALJ Business teacher and DECA Advisor Jack Ford; Recipient Katherine Mallick; ALJ Class of 2021 recipient of the Leslie Bartell Award Victoria Venezio.

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