West fie ld High Sc hool’s Science Olympiad Team placed among the top six medalists at the Ja nuary 11 regio nal competit ion held at New Jersey Institute of Technology.
Competing against close to 500 students from 18 diff ere nt h igh schools , the f oll owing WH S students earned medals for skills in science and technology: Ethan Manning and Samantha Shih for 3rd place in Write It Do It; Sara Frankel and Lotte Seltze r for 3rd pla ce in Wind Po wer; Natalia Zelle r- MacLean and J ack Cun ningham for 5th pla ce in Elect ric Vehicles; Camden Beinhaker an d Lily Talmont for 5 th p lace in Helicopters; and Morgan Miovski, Uma Lakshm an and Sl oan Slusher for 6th plac e in Protein Modeling. The team is now preparing for c ompetiti on o n Fe bruary 4 at the Pri nce ton Invitational which w ill host 3 6 te ams representing 21 schools from 5 states, and for the state competition to b e held on March 7 at Middlesex County College. WHS Science teachers and Science Olympiad advisers, Dana Philipps and Louis Casagrande will accompany the qualifying teams. “Dr. Philipps and I are proud to have such a talented team this year. Under the guidance of their student leaders, they have been working since September to learn their events and build their devices, and it is wonderful to see their hard work pay off,” stated Dr. Casagrande.
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