Parents from Fanwood and Scotch Plains got an education Wednesday, October 11, on the places and things where their kids could be hiding drugs. The “Hidden In Plain Sight” presentation by the Drug Enforcement Administration NJ Office has a simple message for parents: Don’t think it can’t happen to your kids.
The easy availability of prescription drugs, marijuana, heroin and other substances has contributed to rampant overdoses across New Jersey, including Union County. Fanwood police alone have administered the opioid antidote Narcan nine times in recent months.
Tim McMahon, Special Agent of the Drug Enforcement Administration NJ Division, brought all the furnishings of a child’s bedroom with him at the Forest Road Park recreation building in Fanwood. He demonstrated how everyday items in a child’s room, including a baseball cap, soda cans, clothing, wall outlets, even candy, can be used to hide drugs. He encouraged parents to be nosy, snoop around in their kids’ rooms, check their phones and know their friends.
The event was co-sponsored by the Fanwood and Scotch Plains Police Departments, DEA, SPF PTA and the Municipal Alliance Committee.