Greenwood Gardens Announcements
Submitted by Allie Kaspersetz
Greenwood Gardens, the 28-acre historic public garden located on Old Short Hills Road, is pleased to announce the election of new members to its primary governing body, the Board of Trustees, and, also, to its Advisory Board, a cadre of community members who provide valuable advice and support. The past year has seen notable movement on these two boards as Sofia A. Blanchard, Greenwood Co-Founder, and Tim Hartman, Treasurer, transitioned to new roles as Emeritus Trustees after eighteen years of service each to the organization.
Three previous members of Greenwood’s Advisory Board – Kathleen Bourke of Bay Head, Marilyn Pfaltz of Summit, and Peggy Shilling of Short Hills – were recently elected to the Board of Trustees.
“I am delighted to welcome Kathleen, Marilyn, and Peggy to the Board of Trustees,” said Peter P. Blanchard III, Co-Founder and Chairman of the Board of Greenwood Gardens. “I have no doubt their experience, knowledge, and enthusiasm will prove to be invaluable to Greenwood Gardens.”
Kathleen Bourke will also serve as Chair of the Development Committee, a position created by Ms. Blanchard during her tenure. Ms. Bourke, who plays leadership roles within the Garden Club of America, has volunteered at Greenwood Gardens since 2013, serving as a Docent, Green Team member, and member of the Spring Luncheon Committee, Development Committees, and Advisory Board.
Marilyn Pfaltz, a member of Greenwood’s Garden Luncheon Benefit Committee in addition to serving on the Advisory Board, is an active civic volunteer, having served as a director of numerous for-profit and non-profit organizations including the American Automobile Association of America (AAA), Public Service Enterprise Group, Beacon Trust Company, and the Greater Newark Conservancy.
Peggy Shilling has served as a member of Greenwood’s Development and Luncheon Benefit Committees. Ms. Shilling is the owner of Wardrobe Partners which is associated with Carlisle-Etcetera LLC, a leading line of women’s luxury apparel. She is an active member at Christ Church in Short Hills as well as Past President and a sustaining member of the Junior League of the Oranges and Short Hills.
Several existing Trustees have taken on new responsibilities this year:
Ted Kundtz assumed the roles of Treasurer, Chairman of the Finance, and Investment Committee, and joined the Executive Committee. A long-time resident of Short Hills, Mr. Kundtz is a member of Greenwood’s Green Team and Development Committee. He spent the major portion of his career as a sell-side analyst focusing on the technology industry, holding positions at Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, and Standard & Poor’s prior to spending six years as Research Director of Needham & Co. from which he retired in 2011.
Nancy Dougherty also joined the Executive Committee. A resident of Maplewood who has served on Greenwood’s Advisory Board, Development Committee, and Garden Luncheon Co-Chair, Ms. Dougherty is a principal in Studio 1200, a Millburn-based architecture firm that undertakes projects for corporations, the hospitality industry, and private residential clients.
It was also announced by Greenwood Gardens Advisory Board Co-Chairs Arthur T. Vanderbilt II and Carl Woodward III that the organization recently welcomed three new members: Tanya Freeman, Helen McGinley, and Jeanne Weill. “We are fortunate to gain access to the expertise of these accomplished individuals,” said Mr. Vanderbilt and Mr. Woodward.
Tanya Freeman, a resident of West Orange, is a principal in the Family Law Group of the law firm of Offit Kurman in East Hanover. Ms. Freeman has served as Chair of the Board of Directors of University Hospital in Newark and is also Chair of the Juvenile Justice/Family Court Subcommittee of the Hudson County Vicinage Minority Concerns Committee.
Helen McGinley, a resident of Short Hills, is a real estate agent with Lois Schneider Realtors in Short Hills. Ms. McGinley spent thirty years in advertising sales and marketing at such well-known publications as Adweek, Discover Magazine, and Fortune Magazine.
Jeanne Weill, a resident of Millburn and member of Greenwood’s Green Team, serves as the President of the Millburn-Short Hills Historical Society and is a member of both the Short Hills Home and Maplewood Garden Clubs.
About Greenwood Gardens
Greenwood Gardens is a non-profit 28-acre public garden and historic site located at 274 Old Short Hills Road in Short Hills, New Jersey. A former private estate owned by the Day and Blanchard families, today Greenwood is a peaceful haven graced by terraced gardens, stately fountains, woodlands, grottoes, Arts and Crafts follies, and winding paths. To accomplish its mission of connecting people with nature in a historic garden oasis, Greenwood offers the visiting public self-guided tours and programs at the nexus of nature, beauty, and history. Greenwood Gardens is supported by gifts, membership, and volunteers. For further information, visit greenwoodgardens.org or call 973-258-4026.