Volunteers from the grassroots Coalition to Save Watchung Library talked with Watchung residents about the library recently at the Watchung Community Picnic. Activists from the group, all wearing shirts in the Coalition’s signature bright purple, set up a table festooned with purple balloons.
Allison Baitel, coordinator for the group’s participation in the event, said, “It was a great opportunity to talk to residents and collect signatures. I feel like our presence there today reignited interest for many who may have library fatigue after all these years.” After the event, Baitel observed “I believe that most of the community is behind us!”
Since the news broke about the Council’s vote, Baitel says, “Many thought the library closing was a done deal or that it was already closed,” but Coalition Founder Margaret Ellis reports that the Borough has committed to keeping the library open though the summer and, further, that Borough Administrator Tom Atkins expects the library to remain open through 2018.

(above) Coalition to Save Watchung Library activists (from left) Hans Juette, Phyllis Juette, Tamara Benc, Allison Baitel, Margaret Ellis, Noah Baitel, and Rebecca Baitel greeted Watchung residents at a community picnic and asked for signatures on a petition to keep a library in Watchung.