In a few weeks, the sidewalks of downtown Cranford will once again be taken over by wild, crazy and funny scarecrows. The annual Autumn tradition kicks off on Wednesday, Oct. 25 with close to 100 scarecrows made by residents, businesses, clubs, schools and organizations.
The Scarecrow Stroll’s fantastic creations will remain on display through November 5 and everyone is invited to vote for their favorites. Ballots mailed to every Cranford home and also available at participating businesses, Community Center and Library. When you finished your stroll and voted drop your ballot in the bright orange mailbox in Eastman Clock Plaza.
“The Scarecrow Stroll is great fun but more importantly, it is an event that involves the public and businesses working together. These creations, which are on display on every downtown street, draw people from many other towns. Last year, the event attracted visitors from 84 different towns in NJ, NY and Pennsyvania” said Kathleen Miller Prunty, Downtown Director.
For updates and a Scarecrow Stroll location map, go to and Like us on Facebook at Downtown Cranford.
