Geranium and Spring Plant Sale at Mountainside’s Hetfield House

The Mountainside Historic Committee’s annual geranium and plant sale is set for Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, May 3 – 6 at the Deacon Andrew Hetfield House from 9 am to 4 pm each day (while supplies last).  This popular event is a harbinger of spring and much anticipated by local gardeners.  Proceeds support the fund raising efforts of the Mountainside Restoration Committee including restoration of the Levi Cory House and Hetfield House.
“This year we will have a variety of geranium colors to satisfy every taste with a beautiful selection of hanging baskets” says Ruth Goense, Historic Restoration Committee Vice-Chairperson and plant sale organizer.  “We will also have some smaller flowering plants. There’ll be something for everyone especially for Mothers’ Day gifts.”  Each and every plant is hand-picked by the Committee’s garden experts who visit the grower and select only the best plants for this sale.
The Deacon Andrew Hetfield House is located at Constitution Plaza (Watchung Ave., off Birch Hill Rd.) adjacent to the Mountainside Library.  The Mountainside Restoration Committee is a committee of volunteers affiliated with the Borough of Mountainside whose purpose is to restore and maintain the Deacon Andrew Hetfield House and Levi Cory House and collect and save historic information and items from destruction.  For further information, please call (908)789-9420; or, go to:

(above) Hundreds of geraniums and other plants are ready for the sale at Mountainside’s Deacon Andrew Hetfield House. The plant sale will be held from Thursday, May 3rd through Sunday, May 6th from 9am-4pm. (while supplies last!).