The Garwood Senior Club meets at the Garwood Fire House, located on South Avenue, next to Borough Hall, on the first and third Thursday of each month at noon, for an afternoon of camaraderie, lunch and Bingo.

The Club occasionally offers guest speakers with topics of interest to the Seniors, including information on nutrition, estate planning, health and wellbeing, and long-term care. Free blood pressure screenings are also offered at the meetings. The Club also plans entertaining trips to places like The Brownstone, The Staaten, and Atlantic City casinos.

They recently elected slate of officers are: Pat DiFabio, President; Fred Unnold, Vice President;  Rita Unnold,  Secretary, and Delores Cielinski, Treasurer.

New members are always welcome, and the Club is open to all seniors residing in Garwood. Arrangements can be made for transportation to and from the meetings via the Borough’s Senior Bus.

Paulette Drogon, Senior Club Representative for the Borough of Garwood, presents a monthly calendar of activities for the members.  For further information on activities, or to obtain a calendar, please contact her at 908-789-0710 and leave a message with your name and phone number.