Garwood Public Library July 2022
For more information and to register for programs check out our new website at garoowpl.org, call 908-789-1670, or email garwoodlibrary@garwood.org
Scavenger Hunts
July 1, 8, 15, 25 and 29
View a picture of the lost Scuba Diver on the Library’s Facebook and Instagram pages at 10 am on Friday. Find the lost diver somewhere in Garwood. Leave the diver there for others to find. Return to the Library, report the divers location by 3:30 to collect a prize. Find all five summer locations and collect a bigger prize on the last Friday, July 29, 2022.
Play What’s in the Water
The week of July 5, 11, 18 and 21
Check out our white board as you walk in the Library each week for new hints about “What’s in the Water”. It will be something new each week. Make a guess about what’s in the water. Correct guesses will be entered in a random drawing for a prize. A winner will be drawn each Friday. The winner will be contacted on Monday.
Pirates Lost At Sea
July 5 at 10 am
Join us for a thrilling action packed adventure about a crew of quirky pirates marooned on a desert island. Throughout the story volunteers from the audience will help conduct several hands-on science experiments that AAAR sure to amaze you. This program is brought to you by the Library in collaboration with the Garwood Summer Recreation. The event will take place during Summer Recreation. You must be registered for Summer Recreation to attend.
Virtual Kids Crafts
July 6, 13, 20 and 27 @ 2 pm
Pick up craft supplies each Wednesday and follow the Facebook tutorial at 2 pm. Registration is required for craft kits and is limited to 15 participants. Sign up on the Library website’s events calendar or by phone. Kid’s Craft will take place once a week in July.
Float In Movie
July 7 at 2 pm
Children will create a seafaring vessel then watch an Ocean Adventure movie. Popcorn will be provided. For children entering second grade and younger.
Reptiles and Amphibians Show
July 12 at 2 pm
Get up close to the coolest reptiles and amphibians including frogs, toads and salamanders from around the world. Registration is required.
Water STEM
July 14 at 2 pm
Water science fun with boats, skittles, food coloring and baked goods. For kids in 2nd grade and older. Registration required.
Book Discussion Group
July 18 at 1 pm
Join us in the library for a lively discussion of this month’s book “The Bonesetter’s Daughter” by Amy Tan.
Aging Services Kiosk (ASK)
July 20 at 10 am
from 10am until noon, Union County Division of Aging Staff will be on hand to assist seniors (age 60+) or their caregivers with information on services, such as meal delivery, respite care, adult day care and support services for caregivers
Summer Dance Party
July 20 at 10 am
Dance it out with Housel Fun and Fitness. This program is brought to you by the Library in collaboration with Garwood Summer Recreation. The event will take place during Summer Recreation. You must be registered for Summer Recreation to attend.
Oceans Rock
July 21 @ 2 pm
Learn fascinating facts about our oceans and its creatures. Pet a stingray without getting stung, touch a shark without getting bitten, (Taxidermy– not live) Dig for and keep shark teeth. Registration required. Limit 30.
Create a Cuddly Sea Creature
July 26 @ 10 am to 1 pm
Join the Library for a Story Time and stuffing. Pick up a creature by 1 pm then join Miss Maryanne on the Library’s Facebook page to enjoy a virtual story and stuff your sea creature together. Registration required. Limit 20.
Shark Attack
July 29 at 10 am
Are sharks really the ferocious eating machines they seem to be in movies? Learn the truth about these special fish. The truth is often more fascinating than fiction. With live shark if available. This program is brought to you by the Library in collaboration with Garwood Summer Recreation. The event will take place during Summer Recreation. You must be registered for Summer Recreation to attend.
Last Day to Log In
July 29
This is the last day to log in your Summer Reading minutes. Minutes must be reported by 3pm.
Summer Reading Party
August 2 at 2 pm
Join us for the end of Summer Reading Party, with the Scream Ice Cream Truck. The winner of the Virtual Reality Headset will be announced. The winner must be present to accept the prize. Registration required. Limit 40. Must have participated in Summer Reading to attend