Garwood Historical Committee Digitized ‘Gar-Words’

Submitted by Carol Lombardo

The Garwood Historical Committee has digitized the local newsletter, under the banner of Gar-Words, that was provided to the service men and women serving in World War II, twice each month during the war years. A group of stalwart dedicated residents volunteered their time and energy to create the newsletter keeping the overseas residents of Garwood apprised of happy, upbeat news, births, deaths, scores of local sports teams, and just general gossip, so that the GIs wouldn’t be left out of the loop while serving our country. It also received feedback from those overseas so that their families knew they were alive and well. Sadly, many of the news articles coming from the service men and women, also provided names of those wounded, captured, missing in action, and killed in action.
Digital copies of the Gar-Words will soon be available on line at the Garwood Library website ( and the website of Garwood Borough ( Discs of the digitized Gar-Words will be available to any interested Garwood resident. Copies will also be provided to Lincoln School in Garwood and the Arthur L. Johnson High School, where Garwood’s high school students attend.
Any Garwood resident interested in obtaining a copy of the digitized Gar-Words may contact Bruce Paterson, Chair of the Committee, or Carol Lombardo, Secretary to the Committee at our email:
Partial funding for this project of the Garwood Historical Committee is made available through the New Jersey Historical Commission, a division of the Department of State, and administered by the Union County Office of Cultural & Heritage Affairs.