Garden State Ryderz Motorcycle Club July Fundraiser

On July 18,2015 Garden State Ryderz Motorcycle Club held their Christmas in July fundraiser at the Indian Motorcycle  dealership located in Union, New Jersey. Participants were asked to donate $10 with a new toy, and $20 without a toy. The money raised that day will be sent to the Garden State Ryderz MC fallen brother Manny Ruivo, wife and two children. Ruivo had passed away in November of a massive heart attack. Ruivo was honored during event.
This year’s ride also honored WWII Navy Veteran, Walter Woytowicz. A Linden resident who served his country from 1944 -1946. Mr. Woytowicz passed away on February 3, 2015 and was not given a full military funeral, which the members of the club thought he so rightly deserved. Walter was born in Elizabeth, N.J., lived in Linden and Colonia and resided in Point Pleasant since 1974. He was self-employed and was the owner of Woyts Tavern in Linden, and he also owned Woyt Trucking Co. in Linden. The United States Navy sent a full Honor Guard, they traveled all the way from New London, Connecticut, to pay tribute to Walter Woytowicz, an American hero, and presented his family with the American Flagduring a ceremony.
The Garden State Ryderz is a non-profit family oriented motorcycle club that organizes fund raisers throughout the year to help those in need.
WalterWoyt - 05(above) Union Police Officer David Popick presented the flag to Walter’s son and grandson.

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(above l-r) Union Police officer David Popick and Robert Leamy folding the flag. Lamy also played bag pipes.

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(above) Manny Ruivo’s family in attendance for his memorial.

See the complete album at Walter Woyt 2015