Garden Club of Westfield Selects June Garden of the Month

June Garden of the Month

Submitted by Rosemary Shire

The Garden Club of Westfield has designated the lovely cottage garden of Rosemary and Bob Shire at 17 Doris Parkway, Westfield as their June Garden of the Month. The Shires began planting their garden over 30 years ago when there were just a few yew bushes, no flowers,  and the soil consisted mainly of clay with rocks.  Their garden now contains an ever-changing assortment of flowering shrubs, bulbs, annuals and perennials.  Spring offers daffodils, hyacinths, primroses, forget-me-nots, columbines, irises, and foxgloves.  An attractive assortment of American and Japanese azaleas borders the porch and patio of the house.  The garden is resplendent in June when the hybrid tea, floribunda, rugosa, David Austin English, and miniature roses become the stars of the garden.  Summer cottage favorites include astilbes, hollyhocks, sunflowers, and zinnias.  Dahlias extend colorful blooms from midsummer through fall.  Late blooming perennials such as Japanese anemones, asters and monkshood brighten the garden until frost.  The Shires designed their garden as a serene and enchanting place where flowers can be seen wherever one casts one’s eye.

For further information, please contact us at

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