(above) March 28, 2020 Gala honoree, Tom Bintinger, long term President of the Library Board of Trustees.
Friends of the Madison Public Library Gala Fundraising Event
Submitted by Kathy Trombacco
The Friends of the Madison Public Library, a nonprofit organization, will honor Madison resident Tom Bintinger, President of the Library Board of Trustees, at its annual Gala Benefit to be held from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 28, at the library at 39 Keep Street.
“Tom cares deeply about the library and its mission to service the community, is supportive of innovation and offers us visionary management of library funds for current and future sustainability,” said Lynn Favreau, Library Director during several years of Bintinger’s tenure as President.
“I have always been impressed with the dedication, loyalty and professionalism of Tom Bintinger,” said Sylvia Luber, Chair of the Friends. “He has served the board for fifteen years, ten as its president. In that time he has provided us with guidance on numerous occasions; his advice was always thoughtful and sound. When the founder of the minicourses had resigned after 24 years of volunteer service, Tom joined our committee meetings and gave us good suggestions as to how we might proceed. His reports each year at our Annual Meetings and March Gala Benefit informed us of the direction of the library and trustees. It’s always been a pleasure working with Tom because of his calm, encouraging and optimistic attitude. The library, Friends and community are most fortunate to have his commitment and enthusiasm as President of the Library Trustees.”
All are cordially invited to attend the March 28 Gala Benefit at the library. Wine and beer, and a variety of delicious hors d’oeuvres prepared by the Catering Department of the Thursday Morning Club will be served.
Invitations have been mailed to library patrons and are also available at the front desk of the library. Tickets for a fund-raising event with cash prizes are also available at the front desk. Reservations can also be made online at friendsmadisonnjlibrary.org. Admission is $50 per person. Checks should be made payable to Friends of the Madison Public Library and mailed to 39 Keep Street, Madison, NJ 07940 along with the RSVP card. Cancelled checks will serve as a receipt; no tickets will be mailed.
Proceeds from the annual Gala Benefit will be used to support special library programs for children, teens and adults, and to expand the book and media collections. The Friends also fund museum passes as part of the library’s popular Museum Pass Program. Adult education programs sponsored by the Friends include minicourses, crafts, lectures, “Tech Tuesdays” and the Summer Seminar Series that is co-sponsored with the Madison Senior Center. Music, movies, app parties, “games day”, and workshops are among the popular family events also made possible by the Friends.
For information about the Gala Benefit on March 28 or the Friends of the Madison Public Library, visit friendsmadisonnjlibrary.org.