Friends of the Madison Library Meet Outdoors to Finalize “Challenge”

(above) The Friends of the Madison Public Library are asking the community for their support.

Support the Town Library

Submitted by Kathy Trombacco

Each year at this time the Friends ask their neighbors from Madison to support the town library. The Friends have routed funds and donations raised by the virtual minicourse learning programs to the library in support of a more extensive collection of books, museum passes, program offerings and streaming services. “Though we have had some success with virtual minicourse revenue, COVID-19 has set us back in accomplishing our library support goals”, said Pam Hogan, Chair.

“To overcome this setback, a special appeal, which we call our 2020 Challenge, has been made to major Friends donors of past years. Our goal for these major gifts is $20,000 and thus far generous individuals and families have contributed over $15,000. While we are very grateful to these major donors, we need the whole community to pitch in to achieve the total goal of $40,000 and allow us to continue at our past level of financial support to the library”, emphasized Hogan.

Recently the Friends reached out for your support in a letter mailed to over 5,000 households in Madison. Contributions large and small will allow us to maintain our legacy commitment to the Library. Please consider a donation to the Friends this year. The Friends is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit staffed by community volunteers.

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