Senior postal managers, municipal officials, and representatives from the letter carriers union recently gathered at the Berkeley Heights Post
Office, 364 Springfield Avenue, Berkeley Heights, New Jersey, to honor four local letter carriers for earning the National Safety Council’s prestigious Million Mile award. The award is presented to professional drivers who have driven 30+ years without a preventable accident.
The four safety conscious carriers receiving the Million Mile award included: Charles Douress, Christopher Cunnigham, Melvin Jones, and Earl F. Lewis. Douress, Cunningham, and Jones are Berkeley Heights carriers. Lewis, a former Berkeley Heights carrier, currently works in nearby Gillette. Several other carriers received safe driver pins or a certificate for a year or more of safe driving.
Berkeley Heights Postmaster Ted Zawartkay organized the 30-minute ceremony. Joining Postmaster Zawartkay to honor the carriers were:
Northern NJ District Manager Scott Hooper, Berkeley Heights Mayor Bob Woodruff, Police Chief John DiPasquale, Police Captain Robert Deitch, NALC Region 15 Business Agent Larry Cirelli, NALC Branch 38 President Mike O’Neill, and Northern NJ District Safety Specialist Stephen Cannon.

(above, l-r) Berkeley Heights Mayor Bob Woodruff, Captain Robert Deitch, Gillette carrier Earl Lewis, NALC Regional Business Agent Larry Cirelli, Berkeley Heights Carrier Melvin Jones, Berkeley Heights Carrier Chris Cunningham, Berkeley Heights Carrier Charles Douress, USPS Northern NJ District Manager Scott Hooper, Postmaster Ted Zawartkay, and Chief John DiPasquale celebrate the four carriers’ 30+ years of accident free driving.