Westfield HSMT Teams Up With Groundwork Elizabeth
Groundwork Elizabeth
How do you change the world? Do you do it one step at a time, or do you multiply that figure by 40 steps? Beginning on Monday, June 28 and lasting 4 days, 40 youth from the First Presbyterian Church in Westfield HSMT program and their advisors joined Groundwork Elizabeth staff to work on a series of projects designed to improve the environment, urban agriculture, and most importantly, lives of members of NJ’s fourth largest urban community.
The group worked at 2 locations. At the Groundwork Elizabeth MicroFarm and Environmental Center, located at 740 W. Grand Street, in the rear of the Elmora Branch of the Elizabeth Public Library, the team constructed a greenhouse, planted an ‘A to Z’ flower garden, built compost beds and community garden beds, laid stone and piping to help drainage, and installed fencing.
At nearby Phil Rizzuto Park on Morris Avenue, named for the Hall of Fame Yankee shortstop and announcer, the team removed invasive plants, helped mulch trails, cleared trash and debris, and helped to firm up an eroding riverbank.
The Westfield team left the project with a greater understanding of the needs of urban agriculture and conservation and restoration of open spaces.
For more information about Groundwork Elizabeth and their projects visit groundworkelizabeth.org. To learn more about the Presbyterian Church in Westfield, visit westfieldpc.org.
Photo by Groundwork Elizabeth