Photo by Westfield Public Schools
Academic Honors announced
Westfield Public Schools
Five Westfield High School 12th grade students earned perfect scores on subject area tests of the June 2023 ACT, with one student earning a perfect score on the overall ACT. They are:
Reading: Nicholas Bartlet, Leon Braganza, Akshit Garg, Anna Salvato
Composite, Science, STEM, Reading: Kathryn Kengeri
Additionally, over the summer, 13 former 8th grade students at Edison Intermediate School were notified that they were regional winners in last spring’s New Jersey Math League competition. The students, now in 9th grade, received the highest score among all Union County student competitors. “We are so proud of our students for this impressive accomplishment,” said Math League advisors Julia Torsiello and Jaclyn Naszimento, both math teachers at Edison. “We encourage them to keep pursuing their mathematical interests both in and out of the classroom.” The students are Annelise Bonn, Elias Chang, Alex Fu, Kira Lukashenko, Justin Ou, Vivaan Parekh, Michael Prystupa, Evie Shen, Vivien Xu, Zoe Xu, Claire Yang, Leah Zaytman, and Benjamin Zhou.