Firefighter Visit to Valley Road School
Captain Matt Costello of the Elizabeth fire department, and uncle to Valley Road School student Cameron Lott, recently visited the Valley Road School’s kindergarten classes to discuss fire safety during Fire Prevention Week. Captain Costello wowed the students with his real-life equipment and sharing stories about the job of a firefighter. He modeled his uniform and showed the students how he might sound different with his mask on, but it’s only so he can do his job safely and that they should not be afraid! The children learned life-saving information like “get out and stay out” as well as discussing what fire safety plan their family has, and where their smoke detectors are. Captain Costello took the time to listen to all the kindergarteners stories. According to Kindergarten Teacher Kim Nacht, “We are so thankful for his visit and the lessons he taught our students!”
Photo by Clark Public Schools