Fanwood Scotch Plains Rotary Club

At a recent Fanwood Scotch Plains Rotary Club lunch meeting, Sandy Rodriquez from Family Promise of Union County discussed how they help homeless families achieve independence. Join us any Wednesday for Lunch At the Stage House Inn, Park Avenue, Scotch Plains.
Luncheon, with fellowship and a speaker, often a community leader with an update on themes of interest to the local communities or bearing on charitable activities that receive or seek Rotary support. We deliberate new ways to serve our community. We laugh. We re-examine ourselves at each weekly meeting, recalling the Rotary “Four Way Test” of the things we think or do:
Is it the truth?
Is it fair to all concerned?
Will it build good will and better friendships?
Will it be beneficial to all concerned?
We break up promptly after 90 minutes to enable our members to resume meeting their clients’ needs and business responsibilities. For more information visit

(above l-r) Sandy Rodriquez from Family Promise of Union County discusses how they help homeless families achieve independence. Steve Goldberg, Don Rosenberg, Sandy Rodriquez, Cathy Harris, Julie Murphy and Carmela Resnick.

(above l-r) Sandy Rodriquez from Family Promise of Union County discusses how they help homeless families achieve independence. Steve Goldberg, Don Rosenberg, Sandy Rodriquez, Cathy Harris, Julie Murphy and Carmela Resnick.