Fanwood Police Thank Crossing Guards
Borough of Fanwood
They battle the elements to make sure our kids are safe crossing the streets on the way to and from school every day. Fanwood Police recently said thanks to crossing guards by visiting each on his/her corner and presenting them with Dunkin gift cards. Some of our crossing guards are fixtures at their posts, doing the job for many years.
“We appreciate everything you do for the community,” said Officer Elliott Bernard, who supervises Fanwood’s crossing guards, as he presented a Dunkin gift card to each while on their post.
Those visited were June Hansen on Martine Ave. and Trenton Rd, Steve Smith on Willoughby Rd., Erin Bulger at Midway and Tillotson, Ed Frame, Alan Krey at Brunner Elementary and LeRoy Pohlman at the high school. Also acknowledged was guard Connie Mruczinski, who was off on the day of the visits.
Photos by Tom Kranz