Fanwood’s Party in the Park 2022
Borough of Fanwood
Fanwood’s Party in the Park brought kids of all ages to LaGrande Park on Tuesday, June 28th, with a variety of contests, fun activities, food and the first of the free summer movies.
The Fanwood Recreation Commission and Director Bob Budianski worked tirelessly to bring the fun to hundreds of folks from across our community. Many families came to have hot dogs, pizza and lemonade, play Extreme Musical Chairs, enjoy the bounce house, the train and the obstacle course.
The evening was capped by a free showing of the Disney film Encanto on the giant screen on the ballpark. A free movie will be shown every Tuesday night into August.
Thanks to the Fanwood Public Works Department for their hard work in setting up and trouble-shooting technical issues. Thanks to the Fanwood Police Department and Rescue Squad for standing by. And thanks to the volunteers of the Recreation Commission, Borough Council members Trisha Walsh, Jeff Banks and Anthony Carter for helping out.