(above) More than 150 Madison-Harding Girl Scouts enjoyed a fun-filled weekend Encampment planned and run by the eighth grade troops.
Fall Encampment Weekend 2019 for Madison-Harding Girl Scouts
Submitted by Laura Axler
On a beautiful fall weekend this October, more than 150 Madison-Harding Girl Scouts in grades 3-5 and their leaders spent a fun-filled Encampment at Camp Lou Henry Hoover in Newton, NJ.
The 15 girls from eighth grade Cadette troops 5631 and 5632 continued the tradition of planning and hosting this special annual weekend of fun for the younger troops. They planned every aspect of the event, including crafts, activities, decorations, and a camp-wide game of “Clue” that tied in with the weekend’s “mystery” theme. In the Craft Studio, the planning troops guided the younger girls as they decorated masquerade masks. They also led field games, including capture the flag, tug-of-war, and a hungry hippo game where partners worked together to move around the floor on square scooters to collect plastic balls in small laundry baskets.
Camp Hoover staff was also on hand to run the archery, low ropes course, and boating activities. The blue sky and autumnal foliage were the perfect backdrop as the girls paddled their canoes and rowboats around Swartzwood Lake.
Before dinner, the scouts exchanged SWAPS (Special Whatchamacallits Affectionately Pinned Somewhere)—tiny handmade crafts that they pinned on lanyards to keep as a memento of the weekend. Later in the evening, they enjoyed making smores and singing camp songs around the fire. Back in the cabins, troops planned their own evening activities, including games and crafts. This amazing weekend, planned by the eighth grade troops, is just one example of how Girl Scouts helps girls learn important life-long skills that they will use forever.
To learn more about Madison-Harding Girl Scouts, contact Girl Scouts of Northern New Jersey atgsnnj.org.

(above) Sixth graders from Madison’s Cadette troop 6168 enjoyed the weekend Encampment.

(above) Madison-Harding Girl Scout eight grade Cadette troops 5631 and 5632 planned a weekend filled with fun activities for younger troops at the annual Fall Encampment at Camp Hoover in Newton, NJ.