Faith Lutheran Lenten Services and Shrove Tuesdays

(above, l-r) Walter Wlodarski, serving ham; Jessica Short, Chairperson of Shrove Tuesday Supper, Donna Wlodarski, serving pancakes at the 2017 Supper. Walter and Donna again served ham and pancakes at the 2019 Shrove Tuesday Supper.

Shrove Tuesday Supper and Wednesday Lenten Services at Faith Lutheran

On March 5, 2019, the evening before Ash Wednesday, members of Faith Lutheran Church in New Providence shared in a traditional Shrove Tuesday Supper of pancakes, ham and berries, which included Mardi Gras decorations.

Shrove Tuesday derives its name from the ritual of shriving that Christians undertook many years ago. In shriving, Christians confess their sins and receive absolution for the sins. Since Lent is a time of abstinence, Shrove Tuesday was viewed by Christians as their last chance in forty days to indulge themselves. They would eat the foods that were not allowed in Lent and particularly the foods that would spoil. Pancakes were often chosen as they were a dish that could use up all the eggs, fats and milk in the house with just the addition of flour.

The chairperson of Faith’s Shrove Tuesday Supper, for the fourth consecutive year, was Jessica Short of New Providence.

During each Wednesday of Lent, Faith Lutheran is conducting two Eucharistic Services. One is at 12 noon and is a spoken service of twenty to twenty-five minutes in length. The second is at 7:30 p.m. and is a service of hymns and prayer. The theme of the services is “My Hope is Built on Nothing Less.”

Faith Lutheran conducts an open communion table. All visitors, who are baptized members of the Christian church, are welcome to the Lord’s Table.

The pastor of Faith is Rev. Jane McCready. The address is 524 South Street, New Providence 07974. The phone number is 908-464-5177. The web site is

Submitted by Larry Holt

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