The Clark Board of Education celebrated the Governor’s Educators and Educational Service Professionals of the Year as well as the 2016 New Jersey Exemplary Elementary Educators during the Board’s Showcase of Success. The Governor’s Educator/Service Professional of the Year Program recognizes “educational innovation, student achievement, the rewards of teaching, and important services outside the classroom environment that lead to student success.”
The New Jersey Exemplary Educators program highlights outstanding educators who demonstrate “strong knowledge and skills, an inspiring presence, a rating of at least effective on their most recent final evaluation, and a positive impact on students, colleagues, and the school community.”
The district is extremely proud of the accomplishments of these professionals. Superintendent Edward Grande commented, “These teachers and support professionals are great examples of the impact that an educator can have on a student’s life.”

Governor’s Educators and Educational Service Professionals of the Year (above l-r) Donna Kircher – Hehnly Elementary School Educational Services Professional of the Year, Laura Venezio – Hehnly Elementary School Educator of the Year, Katrina Poskay – Arthur L. Johnson High School Educator of the Year, June Curti – Arthur L. Johnson High School Educational Services Professional of the Year, Victoria Sasso – Carl H. Kumpf Middle School Educator of the Year, Joan Zawacki – Carl H. Kumpf Middle School Educational Services Professional of the Year, Megan Consiglio – Clark Preschool Educator of the Year, Lauren Ceccarelli – Clark Preschool Educational Services Professional of the Year, Jennifer Guenther – Valley Road Elementary School Educator of the Year, Lorraine Haney Valley Road Elementary School Educational Services Professional of the Year.

Exemplary Educators (above l-r) Mallory Applebaum – Elementary School Assistant Principal, Patricia Peitz – Valley Road School Teacher Exemplary Educator of the Year, Nancy Heller – Valley Road School Teacher Exemplary Educator of the Year, Joseph Beltramba – Valley Road School Principal. Not pictured Sarah Badillo – Guidance Counselor Exemplary Educator of the Year