Summit High School Students Observe the Research Process
(above) Dr. Robert Rubino, founder of the Rubino OBGYN Group.
Dr. Robert Rubino, founder of the Rubino OBGYN Group, has had a recent article, “Abnormal Uterine Bleeding Control by Sequential Application of Hysteroscopic Lesion Morcellation and Endometrial Ablation,” published in the Journal of Reproductive Medicine. Two former Summit High School students, Liam Stewart (‘15) and Zach Rissman (‘15), observed the clinical research involved in the article’s development.
The article’s findings represent a significant advancement in medicine and women’s healthcare.
Dr. Rubino focused the research and the article on reducing the need for hysterectomies by implementing conservative, minimally invasive technology to address pathological uterine bleeding and hemorrhage. Dr. Rubino headed a national, multi-center trial which combined two new procedures simultaneously as opposed to the traditional approach, which involved separate surgeries spread out over time.
The study and subsequent article looked at 26 patients at several centers across the United States, who suffered from heavy, abnormal uterine bleeding and had polyps or fibroids in the uterine cavity. Instead of the patients having the masses removed in one surgery and coming back several months later to have the uterine lining ablated with a thermal energy device, the two surgeries were done at the same time. In the past, it was considered a risk to have both surgeries done simultaneously. The patients were monitored for safety and complications. The results showed dramatic improvement of quality of life scores post procedure, an 87% success rate and no major complications.
“It is rewarding to challenge the current orthodoxy through bold research questions and get objective data to support the hypothesis,” said Dr. Robert Rubino. “This is how we move medicine forward. Patients who previously had to stretch their treatment out over several months and two surgeries, two anesthesia exposures and two leaves from work and home life, now only have to go through it once and most avoid hysterectomy. To me, that is progress.”
Over the course of the research, Dr. Rubino enlisted two Summit High School science students to participate in the project by observing operating room procedures as well as the research process. The two students, Liam Stewart and Zach Rissman, learned the basic parameters of research techniques and questioning. They worked to help form the hypotheses, learned how to set up methods and materials, and how to report and analyze results.
“I started the student research program after attending a Summit Educational Foundation (SEF) fundraiser and realized that contributing time and practical experience would be more impactful than just a donation of money,” said Dr. Rubino. “The value to any mentor is that you learn while you teach. The questions from someone with little experience can give you a perspective which you may never have considered.”
To view the article’s abstract summary, visit