Dr. Megan M. Mc Cullen Is Awarded PH.D. From Michigan State University

The University just announced that Dr. Mc Cullen, formerly of Green Brook, earned her Ph.D. in Anthropology in August, 2015. Her dissertation dealt with the North Americans living in the Great Lakes region during the 17th Century. Her dissertation was titled “The impact of Migration on Community Identity in the Seventeenth Century in the Great Lakes”.
She is a graduate of the Green Brook Elementary School and Green Brook Middle School, Mount St. Mary Academy (1995) in Watchung, received her A. B. degree in Anthropology from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champagne, and her M.A. and Ph.D. from Michigan State University. She is a Visiting Assistant Professor of Anthropology at Alma College in Alma, Michigan. She is the daughter of John and (the late) Arlene Mc Cullen of Green Brook.