David Duelks Appointed Principal of Tamaques

David Duelks has been appointed Principal of Tamaques Elementary School in Westfield, where he served as Acting Principal for 10 months. Following a search process that included 80 applicants, the Board of Education unanimously approved his appointment at its January 5 meeting.
“Mr. Duelks has served admirably as Acting Principal during which time he has demonstrated proven leadership skills while building positive relationships with all school stakeholders,” stated Superintendent of Schools, Margaret Dolan.
Mr. Duelks leadership experience at Tamaques is combined with four years as Assistant Principal of Edison Intermediate School and four years as District Coordinator of Gifted Education. He began his career as a teacher in Edison Intermediate School in 1998, and is a graduate of the Westfield Public Schools. “He is thoroughly familiar with our policies and procedures; he knows our community and is a highly capable administrator,” added Dr. Dolan.
Following his appointment, Mr. Duelks responded, “I am incredibly proud and fortunate to continue my career in Westfield and thankful to be the Principal of such an amazing school.”

(above) The Westfield Board of Education unanimously appointed David Duelks Principal of Tamaques Elementary School, where he served as Acting Principal for 10 months. A congratulatory poster signed by Tamaques students and staff adorns his office wall.

(above) The Westfield Board of Education unanimously appointed David Duelks Principal of Tamaques Elementary School, where he served as Acting Principal for 10 months. A congratulatory poster signed by Tamaques students and staff adorns his office wall.