Clark Volunteer Emergency Squad attends Memorial Day services

(above) Joe Guenther, Gary Wagner, Mike Hajowski
Courtesy photo

CVES attends memorial day services

Submitted by Susan Alacchi, EMT

The Clark Volunteer Emergency Squad (CVES) joined in the Memorial Day parade and services honoring Clark residents who made the ultimate sacrifice. One crew had to leave to handle an emergency call, however, another ambulance was able to remain in the parade. The weather was beautiful although it was quite windy.

The parade was the longest in memory with the addition of classic cars. Past President Joe Guenther, Past Captain Mike Hajkowski, and Gary Wagner led the ambulance with Trustee Laurie Sheldon and President J-H Barr aboard.

Kathleen Switek of Clark American Legion Auxiliary said she was very grateful to CVES. “It’s something I could never do, and I am so thankful you guys can. It’s a great comfort having the squad.”

Laying a wreath at the monument for the squad was Joe Guenther and JH Barr. Both are long-term members having held many offices.

Donations are gratefully accepted by sending a check to The Clark Volunteer Emergency Squad at 875 Raritan Road, Clark, New Jersey 07066. Anyone with questions or interested in joining the Clark Volunteer Emergency Squad is invited to contact the Corresponding Secretary at for an application.

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