Creating Action with Community Conversations
Nancy Aravecz Shah, Director, Florham Park Public Library
During the months of February and March, a committed group of Florham Parkers met to discuss the state of volunteerism and community-based organizations in our town. The group consisted of roughly 15 representatives and leaders from nonprofits, volunteer groups, and local government, plus a few unaffiliated concerned citizens. The meetings were all part of “Community Conversations,” a discussion series that is hosted by the Florham Park Public Library and co-produced by the Library and Florham Park Education Foundation. This annual conversation series invites people from all walks of life and political persuasions to enter into a moderated dialog with each other on a topic that matters for the wellbeing of the overall community. The past two years have used this “dialog-to-action” model to create solutions that address volunteerism and civic engagement in Florham Park.
Though it is often celebrated as a “community of volunteers,” many community groups in town are experiencing declines in the number of people who are willing and able to contribute their time to sustain beloved Florham Park traditions. Some examples of groups in need of volunteers and leaders are the Volunteer Fire Department, Volunteer First Aid Squad, Florham Park Education Foundation, Senior Club, 4th of July Committee, Gazebo Committee, and Environmental Commission.
In 2022, the group determined that one reason why organizations are struggling with dwindling ranks might be a lack of awareness around town, especially among new residents and people living farther from the center of town. The group worked to solve this problem by creating a website and community-wide calendar, which can be accessed at florhamparknj.org. Community Groups are invited to list their events on the community calendar by filling out a form or sending an email to fpboroevents@gmail.com. This website and calendar is separate from the local government and maintained by dedicated community volunteers.
This year’s Community Conversations asked simple questions like “what do we have here in Florham Park?” and “What do we need?” The resulting discussion led the participants to conclude that regular meetings of leaders and volunteers active in the community might help organizations to create synergies that boost each other, and the whole community. As a result, quarterly “networking” events will be held so that people can connect with community groups and learn more about meaningful ways to get involved. These meetings will be coordinated by community volunteers and open to everyone. Check the community calendar to see when the next one will be!
Want to make sure you get the invite to the next community volunteer meeting? Email the Library at reference@flo.mainlib.org and you’ll be added to a list to receive updates.
If you are interested in learning more about the Florham Park Education Foundation, visit their website: fpefnj.org.