Cranford Recreation & Parks Spring Programs
Cranford Recreation & Parks Department registration for Spring programs is now open. All programs are listed in our online brochure, which is posted on the website cranfordnj.org/recreation-parks and the social media pages of Facebook at facebook.com/CranfordRecreationAndParks and Instagram at instagram.com/CranfordRecreationAndParks.
Registration for all classes may be done online through Community Pass. Online registration will enable you to register 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, to make payment by credit card and to receive the latest program updates as they occur through your account. You may access your existing account or create a new account by visiting register.communitypass.net/cranford. If you would like assistance to register online or have any other questions, please call the Recreation Department at (908) 709-7283, Extension 2.