Cranford Police begin using Body-Worn Cameras

Cranford Police Complete Rollout of Body-Worn Cameras

The Cranford Police Department announced that a limited number of officers will now be equipped with body-worn cameras. This initiative is part of a county-wide effort by the Union County Prosecutor’s Office aimed at equipping all Union County police agencies with body- worn cameras. The public will see the new cameras being worn by police officers working in the Patrol Division.

Body-worn cameras have been effective in memorializing important information during critical incidents. Cranford Police Officers are required to activate the body cameras when conducting investigative and enforcement actions such as making an arrest, issuing a summons, searches or stopping a person on the street in the course of an investigation. All officers equipped with body-worn cameras have received training on the devices. The body-worn cameras supplement our existing in-car digital video systems which currently record motor vehicle traffic stops.

Submitted by Detective Lieutenant Edward R. Davenport

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