Annual St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Dance
Submitted by John Doolan
The Cranford Knights of Columbus held our Annual St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Dance at St. Michael’s School Gymnasium on March 23rd, with a great group of friends and supporters in attendance.
This year, the Council honored two of our own as Irishmen of the Year as well as a member of the Cranford Police Department and a great friend and supporter of the Cranford Fire Department. Our Irishmen of the Year are Past Grand Knight Brian Egenton and Brother Knight Rich Pierce who are recognized for their dedication and support of our Council and the Cranford community. Both of our honorees have made a profound impact with their efforts to make a difference here in Cranford, in New Jersey, nationally with our Council and on their own.
Our Cranford Police Officer of the Year is Officer Tom Bell, he is a great friend to our Council, is a Brother Knight and for his volunteer work with the Cranford PBA, the Kenilworth Knights of Columbus and as a piper with the Union County Police & Fire Pipes & Drum Corp. Tom has proudly served the people of Cranford for well over 20 years as a police officer protecting our community honorably and professionally.

Our Cranford Fire Department (CFD) honoree Tim Wahl is a Cranford resident and a long-time employee of PSE&G who stepped up and assisted the CFD in a time of need. The department Rescue Truck has a generator on it that is used and needed for many different calls received by the Department. Tim volunteered on his own time and fixed the generator enabling the truck to stay in service and buy some time until a new replacement truck could be ordered and placed in service. Tim is also active in the Cranford Soccer Club serving as the Vice-President of Operations.
With the proceeds of the dance, the Council will donate $4,500 to Homes for Our Troops, Inc. which is an organization that builds smart homes for severely disabled post 9-11 veterans and their families. The Cranford Knights of Columbus and all Councils here in the US are dedicated in support of our veterans and first responders always, and especially in their time of need.
The Cranford Knights of Columbus is a Catholic Men’s Fraternal Organization dedicated to our four core principles, Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. Our Council supports many worthy charities and civic causes and is committed to being a viable part of our community. For information about joining the Cranford Council, please contact our Grand Knight Kevin Cumiskey at 973-390-9327 or visit our web site cranfordknights.org.