At the June General Meeting, the Cranford Knights of Columbus presented scholarships to 7 students. Andrew Tobin received the Monsignor Louis Fimiani Memorial Award and Elizabeth Walter received the Christine Bagniewski Memorial Award. The other scholarship winners were Hunter Brogan, Andrew Noesner, Jill Valenzano, Josephanie Marcasi, Elizabeth Cappucci, Garrett Kennedy and Emily Wilson. This year, the Council distributed $7,000.00 in scholarship monies.
The Council would like to thank the Scholarship Committee chaired by Ed Bagniewski.
The Cranford Knights of Columbus is a Catholic Men’s Fraternal Organization dedicated to our four core principles, Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. The Cranford Council supports many worthy charities and civic causes locally, state-wide and nationally and is committed to be a viable part of our community. For information about joining the Cranford Council, please contact either our Grand Knight Wally Shackell or our Membership Chair John Caprio at 732-306-5634 or visit

(above) Picture are the scholarship winners with Grand Knight Wally Shackell and members of the Cranford Knights of Columbus Scholarship Committee.