Knights of Columbus Annual Golf Outing
On Friday, September 16, the Cranford Knights of Columbus Council # 6226 held its 19th Annual Golf Outing at the Galloping Hill Golf Course in Kenilworth, NJ. Over 100 Golfers attended, and the event was a tremendous success. From the proceeds, the Council will be making donations to both the Shining Stars Network and Camp Fatima, two fine organizations that are committed to helping, assisting and caring for our Special Needs citizens for many years. Donations are still being accepted and could be made directly to each organization or to our Council as well.
The Council would like to thank the Cranford Community and all of the businesses and organizations that support our worthy Golf Outing each and every year. The Council would also like to thank our Golf Committee for all of their hard work behind the scenes that have made and continue to make our Annual Golf Outing a success. Since its inception in 2004, the Council Annual Golf Outing has raised over $300,000 which has been donated to many worthy charities and organizations locally, state-wide, and nationally.
Since our founding in 1970, the Cranford Knights of Columbus is a Catholic Men’s Fraternal Organization dedicated to our four core principles, Charity, Unity, Fraternity and Patriotism. The Cranford Council supports many worthy charities and civic causes locally, state-wide and nationally and is committed to be a viable part of our community. For information about joining the Cranford Council, please contact our Grand Knight Jerry Conheeney at 908-416-3464 or visit our web site, cranfordknights.org.
Courtesy photo