(above) Troop 40071 poses with some of the holiday cards they created.
Girl Scout Troops Holiday Cards for Veterans & Troops
Submitted by Kerry Rokicki
Members of the Girl Scouts of Cranford, Service Unit 48, kicked off the holiday season by creating hundreds of holiday cards for members of the United States military. More than a dozen troops encompassing the Daisy, Brownie and Junior levels gathered at the Cranford Community Center on Saturday, November 16, 2019, for the “Cards for Troops” event to craft handmade cards which were filled with well wishes and gratitude. At least a dozen more Cranford troops made cards at their own meetings to contribute to the project. The cards will be delivered to all branches of the military serving overseas.

(above) Cranford Girl Scouts made 300 holiday cards for both active service military and veteran groups.
This is the fifth year that Girl Scout Senior Troop 40071 has coordinated this event which has grown to the point of filling two sessions this year. In addition to card making there were raffles, dancing, singing and team building games. The following Girl Scout Troops participated in the community service event: Daisy Troops 40042, 40334, 40511, 40558, 40826, and 40886; Brownie Troops 40376, 40455, and 40844; and Junior Troops 40013, 40098, 40194, 40665, 40836, and 40686.
“We are so proud of how this event has grown. It began with making cards with one younger troop, and as it got bigger the Troop wanted to add team building activities, then a raffle, and now it is a day-long event that produces close to 300 holiday cards for both active service military and veteran groups,” explained Mrs. Lauren Ramsay, leader of Troop 40071. “This event supports the ideals of Girl Scout as it provides the troop the opportunity to exercise skills of leadership, collaboration, organization, follow through, and community outreach. One of the best parts is when the troop reads out loud some “thank you” letters from military recipients because hearing the writers’ voices affirms for everyone in the room that the activity at hand does lead to the outcome we all want – that these cards will bring some holiday cheer to members of our military who may not be with their families this season and that we are indeed thinking of them and honoring their sacrifices.”
The Girl Scouts of Cranford is an organization dedicated to building G.I.R.L.’s (Go-getter, Innovator, Risk-taker, Leader)™ of courage, confidence, and character who will make the world a better place. The Girl Scouts of Cranford Service Unit 48 is a part of the Girl Scouts Heart of New Jersey Council which is part of the Girl Scouts of the USA. For more information on the Girl Scouts of Cranford, go tocranfordgirlscouts.com.