A rare 854 page research volume entitled Forgotten Patriots—African American and American Indian Patriots in the Revolutionary War has been donated to the Cranford Public Library by the Crane’s Ford Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR).The book was originally presented by the New Jersey state DAR to Crane’s Ford honoring their member Bonnie Cierkowski of Cranford, who had served the NJDAR as their state librarian.
The book indicates it is “Dedicated to the memory of the known and unknown African American and Native American patriots, soldiers, and seamen of the American Revolution.” Forgotten Patriots includes the names of over 6,600 individuals. It further indicates, “But the work is not done. Undoubtedly there are many other minority patriots who remain undiscovered or for whom documentation does not yet exist.” The history documents participants in 15 states individually, including the Old Northwest.
In the introduction section it states, “The subtitle of this book—A guide to Service, Sources, and Studies—also reveals the several purposes of the publication. No other similar guide exists for the history of the participation of African Americans and American Indians in the Revolutionary War. The research that has led to this expanded volume is an integral part of DAR’s ongoing operations that does not end with this publication. The subject of this book is essential to the work of the DAR to document the history of the role of all individuals in the Revolutionary War and to preserve it for future generations.”
In the “Final Thoughts” section of the book, the editor writes, “Untold hours of research for over twenty-four years have gone into the preparation of this book and its predecessor publication. This is a fascinating and important subject for anyone interested in the period of the American Revolution. And while the research to identify and document forgotten patriots will continue as a part of the daily activities of DAR, it is hoped that this work will spur others to undertake an examination of their own ancestry and the rich heritage that makes up our great nation.”
The Forgotten Patriots editor and Project Manager was the National Society DAR Library Director Eric G. Grundset, 2008. This fascinating and historical research volume was published by the NJDAR in limited edition. Cranford Library Director John Malar accepted the book donation from Bonnie Cierkowski and Barbara Krause representing the Crane’s Ford DAR.
(above l-r) John Malar, director of Cranford Public Library, displays book Forgotten Patriots presented from Cranford DAR by members Bonnie Cierkowski and Barbara Krause.