CPD Launch New App

In an effort to streamline public access to police information, the Cranford Police Department is pleased to announce the launch of a new smartphone app that includes interactive features and easy access to the department’s social media presence.

MyPD, available free to iPhone and Android users via their respective app stores, is a free program that offers a sleek user interface and about 40 potential features. The app features easy to view/use icons which connect users with agency contact information, directions, traffic updates, and weather services.  MyPD also provides a vehicle for users to submit crime tips (optionally with GPS or photos), ask questions and commend police officers. Thanks to social media integration, The Cranford Police Facebook Page and Twitter feeds are viewable from within the MyPD app.

Cranford Police Chief James Wozniak has consistently pushed for more community engagement.  “We think of ourselves as a partner in this community,” he stated, “and as a partner, we want to embrace every chance to share critical information and make the Cranford Police Department accessible to everyone who needs it.”  Wozniak reiterated that the more avenues that are available for people to interact with his officers, the stronger the police-public relationship will become.

According to Captain Joseph Van Bergen, who worked with app developer WiredBlue to customize the app for Cranford, MyPD is just another example of Internet based technology migrating to a two way communications tool for law enforcement.  “Using MyPD, the public can get push updates directly on their smartphone,” he said, “but just as importantly, they can respond and send information to the police electronically.”  He noted that while some members of the community routinely interact with law enforcement, others may prefer the anonymity available through MyPD.  App users can see the agency’s Twitter and Facebook posts without signing up for either of those platforms directly.

No account is necessary to use MyPD and users have control over how much information they choose to share with the department.  Users may enable or disable features as needed, including GPS, photo-sharing, and notifications.  There are no ads on the app and there are no in-app purchases to make; content is provided free of charge to all users.  More information is available by visiting mypdapp.com, or by searching for MyPD in the iOS or Android app store.
