County Sheriff’s Office Brings ‘Adopt-A-Road’ Program to North Plainfield

In an effort to provide cleaner county roadways for Somerset County residents Sheriff Provenzano and Freeholder Director Patricia Walsh, in the company of North Plainfield Mayor Michael Giordano Jr., kicked off a third Adopt-A-Road location October 19th on Somerset Street in front of the North Plainfield Police Department.
“The Adopt-A-Road program allows organizations and individuals to help the county provide safe, attractive, litter-free roadways within their communities,” Sheriff Provenzano said. “We previously kicked off Adopt-A-Road programs in Franklin at the intersection of Cedar Grove Lane and Amwell Road and in Bedminster at the intersection of Burnt Mills Road and Route 202-206.
“We’re continuing to survey county roads to find out where the services are needed,” he said. “The cleanup will be provided by Somerset County inmates, which is an excellent way of utilizing jail resources to support our community at no cost to the taxpayers.”
“The Adopt-A-Road initiative is a dedicated beautification project that benefits our businesses and our residents,” Freeholder Director Walsh said. “It also ties in with our goals of environmental protection and sustainability.”
The Somerset Sheriff’s Office will clean a stretch of the adopted county roads for the next two years on a monthly basis. The Sheriff’s Office has been cleaning roads, ballparks, streams and other areas in the county for over 20 years at the request of municipalities, but this is the first time the office has adopted roadways. “Our goal with Adopt-A-Road Program is to help keep our communities clean, help taxpayers save money, and remind people not to litter,” Sheriff Provenzano said.

(above l-r) Sheriff’s Officer Dave Daneker, North Plainfield Police Capt. Gerard Clyne, Col. Richard Borden, Sheriff Frank Provenzano, Freeholder Director Pat Walsh, Lt. Steve SanAntonio, Col. Roy Gandolfe and Mayor Michael Giordano Jr.