Congressman Leonard Lance (NJ-07) visited Somerset Intermediate School in North Plainfield on Tuesday to meet with over 80 students and faculty. Lance took students’ questions for over an hour on current events and issues facing the country. Lance was introduced by members of the student council. He urged all students to stay interested and engaged in public service. The visit was a part of the SCLSNJ’s North Plainfield Memorial Library branch Talk It Up grant programming. For more information, visit During District Work Periods, Congressman Lance visits New Jersey schools, businesses, and town halls to meet constituents and update them on his work in Washington.

(above l-r) Congressman Leonard Lance engaged with students, taking questions about the national debt, what the White House is like, and if he has interest in running for presidency some day. He was also asked how he speaks publicly with confidence, to which he answered, “Pretend you are speaking to someone in a normal, everyday conversation; pretend you’re talking to your friend. And enunciate!”