College Club’s April in Paris Fundraiser
April in Paris is the theme of the College Club of Fanwood-Scotch Plains’ spring luncheon fundraiser which will take place on April 28th at the Westwood in Garwood from 12 noon -4:00 p.m.
The gala event will include entertainment by the Harmonics Quartet which is an a capella singing group based in Fanwood. The group is comprised of four female vocalists who are dedicated to delivering musical excellence and artistic performances. The vocalists in the group are: Georgette Carter Chrystal, Sarah Gill Coffin, Karen L. Kumpf and Susan Schuman.
The fundraising event will also include a three-course lunch, a Silent Auction, a Basket Raffle, 50/50 Raffle with three monetary prizes and a raffle for a $500 Shop Rite gift card. Winners need not be present for the 50/50 raffle or the Shop Rite gift card raffle. All proceeds from the spring event will fund scholarships for local young women. The College Club Scholarship Committee is currently reviewing scholarship applications for the 2024-2025 scholarship recipients. The spring luncheon is the final fundraiser before scholarships will be awarded in May and the success of the event will determine the amount of money that will be available for the scholarships. To date, the College Club of Fanwood-Scotch Plains has awarded approximately $780,000.00 in scholarships to approximately 582 young women.
Tickets for the luncheon fundraiser are $60 each and can be obtained by contacting Dorothy at 908-230-4917 or atdorothyculleylusk@gmail.com. The deadline for requesting luncheon tickets is April 10th. Tickets for the $500 Shop Rite gift card are $5 each. 750 tickets are available and can be obtained by contacting Dorothy.
50/50 raffle tickets are $2 each and can be obtained by contacting Sue at 908-472-8515 or at sskt@verizon.net.
Tickets for the luncheon and the raffles are also available from any College Club member. Cash and checks will be needed to make purchases at the event.
There are college bound women in our community who depend on the College Club and the members are motivated to make the Spring Luncheon a fundraising success and an enjoyable event for all who attend.